Summer and fall stewardship work
A walk along the Crest Trail in the Chiricahuas, with its expansive views, is an experience not soon forgotten. This sublime trail, #270 Rustler Park-Sentinel Peak segment, just got better. Over this summer and again in the fall, CRC Stewardship, in a supportive role, helped plan and coordinate the activities of several volunteer groups that put hundreds of hours into the 11+ mile route. Many thanks to the Portal-Rodeo Hiking Group, Wild Arizona, Youth Conservation Corps (YCC), and the Chiricahua Wilderness Trail Crew for removing logs, clearing brush, and performing the difficult task of building tread. Credit go to the Douglas District of the Coronado NF for funding the annual YCC 6-week program.
The Chiricahua Wilderness Trail Crew led by legendary sawyer John Sumner visited in October. This small group ascended the South Fork Trail to 270 and then traversed to Juniper Saddle descending Snowshed Trail via Pine Park to Herb Martyr. They cleared logs and brush as they made their way through the range. Notable accomplishments were the clearing of Burnt Stump Spring Trail from its junction with South Fork (this is the sole spring in that area and an essential water source for passing hikers) and the completion of the summit spur trail to Snowshed Peak.
The Greenhouse Trail also received some much needed work with Wild Arizona running a two-day event from Cima cabin.
The renovation of the Crest Trail is by no means finished, and there are additional projects that CRC Stewardship is developing for the future. With your continued support, we look forward to completing this world class trail.